# Contribute
# Introduction
We welcome contributions – and you don’t have to be a software developer to get involved! The first step to becoming a Frictionless Data contributor is to become a Frictionless Data user. Please read the following guidelines, and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks for your interest in helping make Frictionless awesome!
# General Guidelines
# Reporting a bug or issue:
We use Github (opens new window) as a code and issues hosting platform. To report a bug or propose a new feature, please open an issue. For issues with a specific code repository, please open an issue in that specific repository’s tracker on GitHub. For example: https://github.com/frictionlessdata/frictionless-py/issues (opens new window)
# Give us feedback/suggestions/propose a new idea:
What if the issue is not a bug but a question? Please head to the discussion forum (opens new window). This is an excellent place to give us thorough feedback about your experience as a whole. In the same way, you may participate in existing discussions and make your voice heard.
# Pull requests:
For pull requests, we ask that you initially create an issue and then create a pull requests linked to this issue. Look for issues with “help wanted” or “first-time contributor.” We welcome pull requests from anyone!
# Specific guidelines:
Each individual software project has more specific contribution guidelines that you can find in the README in the project’s repository. For example: https://github.com/frictionlessdata/frictionless-js#developers (opens new window)
# Documentation
Are you seeking to advocate and educate people in the data space? We always welcome contributions to our documentation! You can help improve our documentation by opening pull requests if you find typos, have ideas to improve the clarity of the document, or want to translate the text to a non-English language. You can also write tutorials (like this one: Frictionless Describe and Extract Tutorial (opens new window)). Let us know if you would like to contribute or if you are interested but need some help!
# Share your work with us!
Are you using Frictionless with your data? Have you spoken at a conference about using Frictionless? We would love to hear about it! We also have opportunities for blog writing and presenting at our monthly community calls - contact us to learn more!